"..This changes everything we know about hearing loss and tinnitus Scientists at Chicago School of Medicine have uncovered what exactly triggers these hearing problems through this brain scan. And no, it’s not loud noises or old age… " W e live in such a polluted world. At work, at home, or anywhere else, we’re always faced with noise pollution and all other kinds of toxins in the air, water, and food. How are we supposed to be healthy amongst all such monstrous diseases and toxins? So many contagious bacteria and viruses enter our bodies and leave toxins behind. This leaves a lot of toxins accumulated, forming brain plaque. When our brain is plagued with toxins, our brain fails to address the neurons to function well and send proper messages to all body parts. This inadequacy of your neurons can make it very difficult for the hearing nerves to function well, this is why there is a ringing noise called tinnitus. Since meal planning and exercise or medica...